Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Oops... I did it again

I had a moment of stupidity yesterday and completely forgot that I had splurged a bit at Red Lobster for lunch with a biscuit and some dessert. I had such a huge meal then that I wasn't hungry come dinner time, so by 9 p.m. my stomach started growling. I then stupidly forgot that I hadn't eaten dinner so instead of throwing together some sort of healthy meal, I snacked.

And chose pickle-flavored Pringles and Oreos.

The Pringles aren't too bad... 14g for 16 chips. My plan was to have like 5 chips, which would have only been like 6g. However, I wasn't paying attention as I snacked and the next thing I knew, I'd eaten almost half the container.

The Oreos... well, I have no explanation there. They were the tiny ones so I guess my thinking was that I'd just have a few but I grabbed the bag and just kept snacking while I was distracted doing some research online. I don't even know how many I ate. :(

Anyway, so this morning I woke up feeling completely hungover. Luckily, the kids spent the night at my parents last night so I was able to sleep in and basically just take it slow and easy all morning. By the afternoon, I was starting to wonder if I was getting sick - queasy, headache was coming back, dragging, etc., but I just kept drinking water and taking it easy. By about 7 p.m. I started feeling well enough to do some cleaning.

I'm hoping by tomorrow morning I'll feel completely back to normal. We ended up taking a day off today - no chores, no exercise, no school, bare minimum cooking, no errands, etc. - so now I'm behind on all that.

I did finish reading a book though! Here's to a new day!

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